Friday, April 18, 2014

365 Project

Hello and Welcome! I finally decided to join the Blogosphere and could not be more excited! Recently, I discovered bloglovin' and it has inspired me to create my own. So here I am.

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I thought it would be fun to get this blog started with a 365 Project -Documenting a year of  my life by taking at least one photo a day. My goal is that this project will help you to get to know a little about me, inspire me to write daily and will be really cool to look back on. You can visit my project [here]! I hope to inspire you to create a 365 of your own. Here goes!

365 Project- Day 1: New Blog!

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I will use this blog to post about my DIY projects, tips for living a healthy natural lifestyle and sometimes things in life itself that I find interesting and fun. I am excited to share tutorials and products I love.

If you are interested in starting your own 365 Project but unsure of how to get started, Digital Photography School wrote a great post "11 Tips to Succeed with a Photo365 Project" check it out!

Click [hereto read more about me and how I got started.

Keep it glasSEA!

- Amanda

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